Tully the Kelpie X

Fawn Kelpie dog resting

CritterKleen® deterring insects and helping with sunburnt skin

Keeping pesky flies and mozzies at bay

Instagram celebrity Tully the Kelpie X @tully_thekelpiex has had a difficult time this spring / summer trying to keep pesky mozzies and flies off her. She’s been on a mission to catch EVER SINGLE ONE of them … not always with success. In December, her humans found out about CritterKleen and ordered the Kleen & Cream Treatment Bundle to help their precious doggo.

CritterKleen Natural Skin Repair can be applied to the dogs fur and skin with a cloth or sponge. It’s made from Kunzea Hydrosol and it’s an incredible allrounder to support skin health. It not only cleanses the skin, it also soothes dry or itchy areas and the best is that it deters pesky flies and insects. Humans and animals love the sweet and spicy Kunzea aroma. And Tully can finally have a peaceful rest.

Treating sunburnt skin with CritterKream

Tully’s older brother Murphy @thegsp_murphy has quite sensitive skin and easily gets cracked paws and a sunburnt nose. His humans have been using our CritterKream Animal Healing Cream and this is their feedback:

“I’ve been using CritterKream on my dog’s fried nose and now he ASKS for it in the evenings!! It must feel nice and it’s made a huge difference to him!!”

“I’ve also been using it on MY skin because I got a bad sunburn and got bitten by horse flies and sand flies, and honestly it’s been doing wonders!!”

It’s always so nice to get feedback from our customers. And we’re super happy to hear Tully & Murphey AND their humans are feeling better after their CritterKleen treatment!

If you would like to share your story with us, please get in touch!

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Susie Buetow